My baby is 8 months did I get here?

Today my girl is 8 months old. We are 3/4 the way through her first year and I tell you, I am not sure how I got here. She is a delight to me every morning and even though I want to sell her to the Gypsies at times I am thankful she is mine. What a wonderful girl. I can only hope we have another one just as wonderful.
Time goes by so quickly- I know we all have that same experience. It seems like having a baby makes you more aware of the swift passage of each day. Thankfully I have really thought out each commitment I make outside our home so I always ensure I have time to play with Sarah and help her development. I keep telling myself that I can make the family photo albums when she is five...I can always re-organize the "insert house area here" when she is away at school. It's not like it can't wait. I am really glad I have scaled down because I think I am healthier all around. That's good for her and it's good for me. I still have a number of things to process (part of my Dark Night of the Soul project) but I am reaping the benefits already. I have a simpler life, I am letting go of the guilt of my past mistakes and just laughing things off with much more regularity. I cut out friendships that are toxic and instead I keep a healthy distance and pray for those people. I find that they really don't miss me...they never needed me anyway-they needed counseling. I find that I don't miss them it seems to work out.
Well, that's the news. My girl is 8 months old and I think it's time to think about the next one...