I Heart Cosby

I love the Cosby show. I've taken to watching it the re-runs at 1pm every day. It takes me back to the days when I watched it in junior high and high school and I wanted the Cosbys to be my family. They were engaging with each other, they played sweet practical jokes on each other, they did hilarious family lip-syncs of James Brown and portrayed black professionals in a realistic and honorable light.
It was a very good show.
Why can't we have more shows like it now? It was targeted to any age, but it didn't' dumb things down or use base "potty humor". It had GOOD writing and no one used coarse language. Why can't we have shows like that now? Ok, besides the cheesy and melt-the-heart-of-a-stone movies on the Hallmark channel. Why do all the networks assume I am stupid and I think "pushing the envelope" is entertaining and scintillating?
I don't. I think it's worthless and I am about 30 seconds away from canceling cable. PBS is all we need for TV for our family. I can always get the DVD's of the Cosby Show from Netflix.