Tuesday after the storm

So we have recovered from the Garage Sale extravaganza weekend. I failed to mention that we also had a dinner date with our church group on Friday night and I also sang a duet for both services on Sunday. It seemed like we were going a million miles an hour for a week straight. I still can't get over how empty the downstairs looks now that we let go of all those things. Time to make space for the new!
I liked singing on Sunday. I think I finally like my own voice. That seems weird to type out, but it's strangely true. For years I wanted to sound powerful and Broadway-ish. I think I have finally come to make peace with my voice. It's just simple and plain in many ways and usually people say it sounds sweet. Sweet is fine with me. If it's what the Lord made it, then I should use it just like that.
I am putting in three photos of the baby. I love the one in the car! These are from our coast trip we took two weeks ago to celebrate our 4th anniversary. Amazing we've been married that long. My DH is a very good man, even if he doesn't believe in using sunscreen or napkins. I am very glad I married him.