Could she get any cuter?

Ok, this child is the cutest thing ever. She just goes on and on like this. It's enough to melt the heart of a stone. How could you NOT love this child? *sigh* What a gift.
Ok, so I have been tentatively asked to speak on Father's Day. Tentatively is the operative word here. I have been mulling it over asking God if it's the right thing to do. I used to jump at chances to speak like this, but these days I want to make sure I have something real to say. I'll always make it funny, but it has to be meaningful and directed by God. Church is serious and if I am at the pulpit, my message needs to be purposeful and not fluffy or overly-emotional. So, there's that. I think the theme is: Christian parenting.
That's a broad topic, but the things that I keep coming back to are forgiveness and discipline. It seems to me that after love, these are the cornerstones of all goodness in life. We can only do our best with our kids and if we teach them forgiveness then they can forgive us when they are 25 and they realize how we messed them up. If we teach them discipline then can achieve anything. When we tithe regularly we are blessed financially, when we pray regularly we see answers to prayers. When we make ourselves give up destructive thoughts in our minds we transform into a better & more peaceful person. When we read the Bible and related commentaries our hearts are changed and we become more like God in every area possible. Those are all predicated on discipline. They are the "fruits" of discipline.
What do you think?
Discipline does bring about blessing. Discipline brings about self-control. And learning to forgive is the best thing a person can learn...for their mental, physical and spiritual health. I definitely know this from experience. I think you're on the right track!
Amy K.