Friday night debacle

So the last week has been a blur...but a good blur all in all. Our girl settled into a sleep schedule and then she got a tooth. Poor thing! I started calling her "Barracuda" as a result of the little dagger in her mouth. She's over it now but I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Right now she is in her little exersaucer just talking up a storm to me while we play Bethany Dillon on the computer. I love E-Bay just for the access to cheap cd's. We cut the baby's hair because she was losing it so quickly. She looked awful and so we cut it. Now she looks like a boy. In fact someone came up to us on Saturday and asked what my son's name is. I replied, "Sarah". Oh well, it's not like she cares in the least.

So Friday night was quite the debacle. We had an offer for 3 hours of free babysitting as well as a gift certificate for dinner. So we were very excited for our "free night out". I was especially looking forward to the night. I showered, shaved, curled my hair, put on mascara, and nice smelling lotion. I wore my new black slightly-see-through peasant shirt (with a full camisole underneath, of course...but it's risque for me). Frankly it's been a while since we went to a sit-down dinner without Sarah..and I was looking forward to some adult activity afterwards. Let's call it "taking a drive"...well it's been a while since I wanted to take a drive. A long long time.

We drop off the baby and we're out with a flash. The restaurant was 45 minutes away we were off. The trip seemed really fast so we got to the restaurant before it was dark so we could see the viewof the river. We ordered and got through the salad, soup and a few minutes after we got our steak the call came. The baby was upset and inconsolable. She had been crying practically since we left. So off we flew back to the babysitter's place. I couldn't believe how long it took to get back, and we only hit one single red light. It seemed like an eternity! I used all my internal discipline to stay calm and come up with conversation topics to keep us occupied until we got back. That poor thing, she had cried so hard she was hoarse. I took her in my arms and she stopped crying within 30 seconds. So DH and I got her calm enough to get in her car seat and we drove home. It's only 7 blocks from where we were and the baby fell asleep. She was just exhausted-wasted might be a better word. Just spent completely. So we gingerly transferred her to her crib and snuck into our room to collapse from the stress let-down of our babysitting trauma. I thought for sure she would sleep through the night.

So I thought it was a good time for a drive. We both needed the drive. So we started driving. We're driving and it's a very good drive. Just as we were about to get into 5th gear the dreaded call comes.

"Wahhahaaaaaaa" We froze (hoping she would settle herself again).

Then it happened again, "Wahhhaaaaahhhhhahahaaaa.....baaaaahhhaa!".

Thus ended our drive.

I was so mad I decided I hate cars.


AMY said…
OH, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that happened to you when I saw you on Saturday. Do you need that tune to that "I'm just a baby and life's so hard for me" song?" Love you.

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