Sickness and Churchless

My little guy is on the tail end of a 4 day run of fevers and runny nose. It's like a faucet is turned on up in there. He is in a good mood most of the time, cries a lot when he is feeling the temp go up and is sacked out like a light when he has some Motrin and a comfy pillow. Last night he was a riot around 8:45 pm when he came downstairs to tell me he was hungry. So I gave him some milk and some pretzels (for the salt loss) and he just talked a mile a minute. The motrin had brought his fever back down to normal and he was just a delight to sit with while he ate. He is so sweet!

My darling daughter is at church as we speak, since my sister in law came and picked her up since I can't take the little guy to church. She is so very sweet and she loves to learn about the Lord and to be with her friends from her class. She got her bangs cut yesterday (she is growing her hair out to look like Arial from the Little Mermaid) and she asked me if she looked like she was 4 or if she was 5. I told her she looked more like she was 5 lately. Her little heart is more like 4, but her mind and height is more like 5. Oh how I love that girl!

I wish I had something profound to post, but I do not. This is just a "in the trenches" post about our little daily lives. Thankfully my husband comes home tonight from his trip. I really look forward to that...I need a work out. Oh, and tomorrow is Spring Break which means I have the week off of work. WOOHOO!


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