Coolest T Shirt Ever.

My husband goes on a trip with his family every year to Reno. They always make mixed cd's for the trip with various themes. This year it was "Guilty Pleasures" where each guy had to submit 3 songs they like but would be mortified if any other guy knew. We joked about the "Mortification Tour" a few months ago and that's when the lightbulb went off and I knew it had to be a t-shirt. My friend Cody (who is seriously cool) designed the logo lettering and we had a winner. I was the one who got to mix the set of embarrassing songs and can I just say there were 3 George Michaels songs? One Miley Cyrus, one Hanson, one Aha and two, count em' TWO New Kids On the Block Songs. I actually had to buy one from Amazon. A complete waste of 99 cents I am sure. Image is copywrited. Just so you know.


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