Ummm, not sure

I am not sure I am going to keep blogging. With two needy kiddos and a house to run, I am unsure the blog serves as it should. With the precious time I have to myself I'd like to invest in the guitar and getting my spiritual self in shape. 

So, if I start up again in earnest, I'll let you all know (all 5 of you).

PS: My son called me Mommy last Friday and then he said Elmo! I finally figured out he calls my girl "Ra Ra" because it's the closest he can get to her name. He is so cute!


Amy K. said…
If you'll remember, I did the same thing before my "cancer scare" this year...and haven't blogged since, either. It DOES take lots of time, and I came to the same summation that you did. It DID serve a huge purpose during the months of waiting...helping me to inform everyone without having to say things over and over again. Anyway, don't fail to email once in a while then...or even call!
Saille said…
I'm pretty sure the internet will be here when you "get back". Those moments for you and the family go by much faster. Have fun living~! :o]

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