We are down to the last 8 packages of beef in our freezer. This is a good thing since the meat was butchered over 15 months ago and it seems to have suffered some freezer burn. The ground beef has been fine but the steaks have a bizarre taste- almost like fish. Yet it's only the fat on the meat. The muscle tastes fine when I cut off all the fat completely. So I take out a hunk of beef and thaw it. Then I spend a lot of time trimming it and then trying to come up with a recipe that will mask any lingering weird taste. So far we've had good luck with a curry and pot roast. That's where the pressure cooker comes in. If I sear the meat in the pressure cooker before I put the lid on then all I add is spices and water and lock the top. Then I put it on the stove and let it heat up to the proper pressure and then cook it until perfection. I cool down the whole cooker in my sink with ice water until the pressure is at zero and I can open the top.
My cooker is also a canner and I can use it to can meats and highly acidic foods that cannot be water bath processed. Oh how I love that thing. I got it on super sale at Fred Meyers and it was less then 40% of it's regular price. It's awesome to pop in food and watch it cook in about 35% of the time it would otherwise. I suspect I saved about 6 hours using it yesterday. That piece of meat was huge and it would have been in the crock pot or oven for 8 hours or more.
I highly suggest everyone get a canner/pressure cooker for their kitchen. They are great to use and save time and energy. I'm all for that.