Sundays are for Blogging
Sundays are always my day of reflection. I like that about Sundays-it seems well suited for thinking. Going back over the last week I am pleased with the progress I made overall:
1. I caught up on 4 "daily" jobs I skipped last week.
2. I started with and I shined my sink and got dressed twice.
3. We purchased and painted the floor trim for the main part of the house on Saturday.
4. I started my garden seeds for the season.
What a great week. You (the reader) may be thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, I bet she got a drive in this week since she's so chipper". Well, I am sorry to report that we tried to drive, but alas had to pull over when the siren went off again. And now I think that's the last I will speak of it for now.
I love to work in the garden. I like the smell of the soil when I dig in it. I like the idea of a fabulous backyard that looks like a Sunset Magazine spread. Someday when our yard is in full glory some pretentious soccer mom will ask me, "Who does your yard? It's fabulous!" and I will answer with a humble and gentle laugh, "Why, we do it ourselves of course. Isn't that the joy of having a garden?" I suppose I can't be humble if I plan to answer that way 10 years in advance, but you know what I mean. Our future fabulous garden is well on it's way to fruition I am happy to report. This past January we ripped out every stitch of ivy and some other annoying groundcover that was eating up the flower beds. Our grass looks like a dandelion farm, but our neighbor pruned the wretched plum tree and so that looks much better to compensate. We also ripped out unwanted plants & weeds from all our flower beds as well as the litter box area on the south side of the house where our neighbor's cat poops all the time. We think if we kill all the plants off and then cover it with chunky gravel the cats will stop pooping over there since they won't like the sharp gravel on their paws.
Since we now have a lot more ground to cover with the absence of the ivy, I am planting 3 watermelon plants this year to cover some areas until we make a long term plan with the space. I am pretty excited about the watermelon. I am also planting tomatoes, peppers, parsley, basil, carrots, lettuce and zucchini. I already have chives, raspberries, asparagus, rhubarb and some other herbs. This summer is really looking good for fresh food. What we don't eat fresh we usually can, dry or freeze to use later in the year. It's a lot of work at times but now that I am home I have the ability to do it little by little. That's what wins the race I tell you. Little by little.
Well the girl is waking from her nap and I should sign off. Thank to Judi W I am attempting an Easter Ham this year. I am really excited to cook it and I can't wait to eat it. It will bring together lovely memories of Easter pasts with my present family. How great is that?
Oh, P.S. (Can I do that when I blog?) Ok, so I've been re-reading the book of Genesis and I was thinking about plural wives before I went to bed last night. Then I had the weirdest dream that I was the second wife to a pastor I know. It was not consummated, it was only real on paper. He and I were really uncomfortable with the whole idea. So I kept thinking to myself "I am really Alan's wife first, but then I am the pastor's wife second." Kind of like a paper route job, it only takes an hour a day. Boy I was so weirded out after I woke up. I am very glad it's just Alan and I in this marriage. I don't think I'll tell my pastor friend about the dream. He'll think I am a creepy wingnut.